Arguing for Design Thinking Interventions as a Form of Artistic Interventions


  • Ulla Johansson Sköldberg Business and Design Lab, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Jill Woodilla Business and Design Lab, University of Gothenburg, Sweden



Artistic intervention, Design thinking, Innovation


Drawing on data from two projects where artists used their artistic competence as organizational change facilitators, we argue for a theoretical coupling of the discourse(s) of design thinking to research streams within art-and-management. The artistic dimension of design, the practice perspective and the artistic process should be considered if we are to understand the full potential of design thinking for companies. 

This paper describes two artistic intervention projects that highlight valuable ways artists can contribute to organizational innovation and change.  We begin with the theoretical frame of reference and a short methodological statement, followed by the empirical material.  In the analysis section we point to ways in which such interventions are similar to ones led by designers when we consider the designer’s process as individualized and contextualized.  Finally, we draw conclusions.


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