Co-Design: Fundamental Issues and Guidelines for Designers: Beyond the Castle Case Study


  • Leon Cruickshank Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, Lancaster University
  • Gemma Coupe
  • Dee Hennessy



Co-Design, Knowledge Exchange, Participatory design, Public Sector, Public Engagement


In this paper we describe a high profile project to reimagine a large green space in the heart of the city of Lancaster in the UK. This co-design project involved professional designers, but also 2500 people with 700 of these making an active co-design contribution. This project forms the basis of a discussion of how we used a series of events to help participants reach their full creative co-design potential.

From this case study we go on to develop a framework of recommendations to help designers reflect on their normal practice and how they need to operate within a co-design project. These recommendations seek to maximise the benefits of this approach and produce good design outcomes. This framework has been evaluated in a series of international workshops in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands.


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